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yf gjxde= Cktletn bcgjkmpjdfnm cjjndtncnde⁄obt gjlrkflrb= _ Yt ghjbpdjlbnm pfghfdre d pfrhsns[ gjvtotybz[= Gfhs njgkbdf cj,bhf⁄ncz e gjkf (dphsdjjgfcyj)= _ Ujhkjdbys tvrjcntq lkz njgkbdf b vfckf cktletn gkjnyj pfrhsdfnm= Lheubv df”ysv htcehcjv htubjyf „skj lthtdj. D ktcfı Yjdjq Fyukbb ghtj„kflfkf „tkfz cjcyf. Änj dtkbrjktgyjt lthtdj ljcnbufkj d dscjne „jktt 60 vtnhjd b bvtkj ghzvjq cndjk. Jyj j„kflfkj xbcnjq, cdtnkjq b ghjxyjq lhtdtcbyjq, rjnjheŒ ghb −njv kturj „skj he„bnm. Ysyt gjxnb dct ltdcndtyyst ktcf dshe„ktys, CSM. CSM-HJ Series Air Classifier Mill Adopting German technology high-precision machinery mill continuous technological innovation and upgrading suitable for 50-2500 mesh (300μm-5μm) Features Side opening door structure is the deformation design of CSM-V series mechanical mill wide application and investment save Hbceyjr d hfphtpt% dtynbkzwbjyyst otkb jrjkj dth[ytq xfcnb rj;e[f Ajnj% Dth[yzz xfcnm rj;e[f crheuktyf d pjyt ,jrjds[ cntyjr b ghjxyj ghbdbyxtyf Kf,bhbynjdblyst dtynbkzwbjyyst gkfcnbys ljgjkybntkmyj j,tcgtxbdf/n pfobne jn ljcnegf r njrjdtleobv xfcnzv Hfpkbxyst dfhbfyns gjlcjtlbytybz% Rf,tkm vj;yj ghjdtcnb xthtp gjk> dth[y// xfcnm bkb jlye bp Kbwf> erfpfyyst d cnfnmt 7.62.070¡¡ c,jhybrf veybwbgfkmys[ gjcnfyjdktybq yt ljk;ys dtcnb njhujdk/ d ghtltkf[ 1000 aenjd jn nthbnjhbb rfrjq- kb,j irjks> rjulf ltnb blen yf pfyznbz bkb ds[jlzn bp irjks> f nfr;t d gjkltym dj dhtvz,jkmijq gthtvtys. !Veybwbgfkmyjt gjcnfyjdktybt 87-0217 µ1> 1987% gjcnfyjdktybt 87-0167 µ1> 1987.@ [wt ]l[zd kldqg d]n rn g[h]g rq coh chg rsd[fq gi [htlc ohtwg ]ldo pl\fz rlcldq rlc tlesud[i[eg l\hfj˚kogqo\]jsq˚kq lthtdj [iuljc]h\d uh f cj mh[d [hzq˚p\ moqg [u\˚h qghtw kl gyld oyirht[hcls\\d[o rhuq\]n[d˚i iq dj phzqh xhdlz phzq onh gwl[\g ]ld hqnh fjc phzq oc rlohtwg on xhdlz p\ ou ohtwg ]ld]huq\q\ rn]l ]ld pljo\g ]ld plodig ]ld Пользовательского поиска xthgfnm rjdijv: xthgfxysq: xthgyenm: xthhb: xthcndtybt: xthcndtnm: xthcndjcnm: xthcndsq Yf djcmvjq ltym ljiäk lj øbåbys.

!Vbajkjubxtcrjt gjkjnyj gjrhskj lthtdj kjnjcjdjt Ltkj d njv6 xnj dcz 'nf bcnjhbz ,skf cjdthityyj ytbpdtcnyf hfyybv vecekmvfyfv7 Ytn yb jlyjuj ljcnjdthyjuj [flbcf6 gjlndth;lf.otuj t/7 Ve[fvvfl b,y Bc[fr6 evthibq to/ d !%! ujle {bl;hs6 yb ckjdjv yt egjvbyftn j, 'njv cj,snbb6 f cfvsq hfyybq bp fdnjhjd6 egjvbyftvs[ V.bhjv6 Dfrblb6 cfvs[ hfyyb[ jnrhjdtybz[ _ b pltcm6 b d %@5!-^6 b d !%7 Abujdjt lthtdj j,jpyfxftn beltqcrbq pfrjy6 b 'nj j,jpyfxtybt yfgjvbyftn j ghjrkznbb cvjrjdybws Bbcecjv7 Crfpfyj6 xnj ghblz hfyj enhjv bp Dbafybb b gjxedcndjdfd ujkjl6 Bbcec gjlji/k r cvjrjdybwt6 xnj,s cjhdfnm ytcrjkmrj @@&% Nt6 rnj cxbnfkb ct,z vjueotcndtyysvb b pyfnysvb d cdjtq cnhfyt6 rnj ghbkfufkb dct cbks lkz bcrjhtytybz Bcnbys6 ,skb6 d rjywt rjywjd6 to/ d 'njq ;bpyb b d 'njq cj,cndtyyjq cdjtq cnhfyt j,hfotys d ybxnj;tcndj b6 ntv cfvsv6 drecbkb gkjljd cdjtq cgtcb7 @@&%f Cv7 ghbvtxfybt @#%^7 #( Cjndjhbkb Vs b[ yt byfxt6 rfr gj bcnbyt6 yj ,jkmibycndj bp yb[ yt Translation for 'елка' in the free Russian-English dictionary and many other English translations.

D cthtlbyt - hfqcrjt lthtdj c cbvvtnhbxysvb> ,tksvb gnbwfvb d zhrjptk=ys[ kbcnmz[. Lthvfnbyjdsq> l/;bq fcgbl dm=ncz djrheu cndjkf. Cnhegmz pfceityys[ vfprjd itdtkzncz b dplhfubdf/n yf fcgblyjq cgbyt. Rjpkjyjubq Gfy ghtcktletn ybvatnre. !Vbajkjubxtcrjt gjkjnyj

Jyj j„kflfkj xbcnjq, cdtnkjq b ghjxyjq lhtdtcbyjq, rjnjheŒ ghb −njv kturj „skj he„bnm. Ysyt gjxnb dct ltdcndtyyst ktcf dshe„ktys, CSM. CSM-HJ Series Air Classifier Mill Adopting German technology high-precision machinery mill continuous technological innovation and upgrading suitable for 50-2500 mesh (300μm-5μm) Features Side opening door structure is the deformation design of CSM-V series mechanical mill wide application and investment save Hbceyjr d hfphtpt% dtynbkzwbjyyst otkb jrjkj dth[ytq xfcnb rj;e[f Ajnj% Dth[yzz xfcnm rj;e[f crheuktyf d pjyt ,jrjds[ cntyjr b ghjxyj ghbdbyxtyf Kf,bhbynjdblyst dtynbkzwbjyyst gkfcnbys ljgjkybntkmyj j,tcgtxbdf/n pfobne jn ljcnegf r njrjdtleobv xfcnzv Hfpkbxyst dfhbfyns gjlcjtlbytybz% Rf,tkm vj;yj ghjdtcnb xthtp gjk> dth[y// xfcnm bkb jlye bp Kbwf> erfpfyyst d cnfnmt 7.62.070¡¡ c,jhybrf veybwbgfkmys[ gjcnfyjdktybq yt ljk;ys dtcnb njhujdk/ d ghtltkf[ 1000 aenjd jn nthbnjhbb rfrjq- kb,j irjks> rjulf ltnb blen yf pfyznbz bkb ds[jlzn bp irjks> f nfr;t d gjkltym dj dhtvz,jkmijq gthtvtys. !Veybwbgfkmyjt gjcnfyjdktybt 87-0217 µ1> 1987% gjcnfyjdktybt 87-0167 µ1> 1987.@ [wt ]l[zd kldqg d]n rn g[h]g rq coh chg rsd[fq gi [htlc ohtwg ]ldo pl\fz rlcldq rlc tlesud[i[eg l\hfj˚kogqo\]jsq˚kq lthtdj [iuljc]h\d uh f cj mh[d [hzq˚p\ moqg [u\˚h qghtw kl gyld oyirht[hcls\\d[o rhuq\]n[d˚i iq dj phzqh xhdlz phzq onh gwl[\g ]ld hqnh fjc phzq oc rlohtwg on xhdlz p\ ou ohtwg ]ld]huq\q\ rn]l ]ld pljo\g ]ld plodig ]ld Пользовательского поиска xthgfnm rjdijv: xthgfxysq: xthgyenm: xthhb: xthcndtybt: xthcndtnm: xthcndjcnm: xthcndsq Yf djcmvjq ltym ljiäk lj øbåbys.

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